My love for words began with playing the
board game Scrabble.
Over the years, it has taught me some new words and some fun words –
like homonyms. A long time ago, I began
keeping a list of homonyms and it has been growing and growing. Now, what do I do with it? Well, I have this travel blog “Focusing On
Travel”. So, even though homonyms have
nothing to do with travel, I hope this list strikes a chord/cord
with you/ewe too/two. Am I/aye write/right?
Ad/Add Ate/Eight
Ail/Ale Away/Aweigh
Aisle/Isle/I’ll Awl/All
Aid/Ade Aye/Eye/I
Ant/Aunt Alter/Altar
Bare/Bear Boarder(s)/Border(s)
Bale/Bail Booze/Boos
Balled/Bald/Bawled Bow/Bough
Bass/Base Brake/Break
Be/Bee Brays/Braise
Beet/Beat Bread/Bred
Bite/Byte Bridal/Bridle
Blue/Blew Brows/Browse
Boar/Bore Build/Billed
Board/Bored Buy/By/Bye
Carat/Carrot Chord/Cord Choose/Chews
Cell/Sell Cite/Site/Sight
Cellars/Sellers Claws/Clause/Claus
Cent/Sent/Scent Click(s)/Clique(s)
Cents/Sense Colonel/Kernel
Cereal/Serial Creek/Creak
Chile/Chill Crews/Cruise
Chute/Shoot Coop/Coupe
Cede/Seed Court/Quart
Days/Daze Died/Dyed
Deer/Dear Do/Dew/Due
Die/Dye Dough/Doe
Fair/Fare Flower(s)/Flour(s)
Fairy/Ferry For/Fore/Four
Fax/Facts Foul/Fowl
Feet/Feat Fourth/Forth
Fined/Find Friar/Fryer
Flee(s)/Flea(s) Freeze/Frieze
Flew/Flu/Flue Fur/Fir
Gate/Gait Guessed/Guest
Grate/Great Gym/Jim
Grease/Greece Gored/Gourd
Groan/Grown Graze/Grays/Greys
Hair/Hare Hi/High
Hairy/Harry Him/Hymn
Hail/Hale Hoe/Ho
Hall/Haul Hoes/Hose
Halve/Have Hole/Whole
Hay/Hey Holy/Wholly
Heal/Heel Horse/Hoarse
Heed/He'd Hour/Our
Idle/Idol I/Aye/Eye
In/Inn It’s/Its
Isle/Aisle In/Inn
Knot/Not Knead/Need/Kneed
Know/No Knight/Night
Knows/Nose Knap/Nap
Lane/Lain Leak/Leek
Lay/Lei Lesson/Lessen
Lead/Led Locks/Lox/Lochs
Lie/Lye Load/Lode
Links/Lynx Lone/Loan
Liken/Lichen Lyre/Leer
Maid/Made Merry/Mary
Male/Mail Might/Mite
Main/Mane Miner/Minor
Maize/Maze Mist/Missed
Mall/Maul Moan/Mown
Manner/Manor Moose/Mousse
Massed/Mast Morning/Mourning
Meat/Meet Muscle(s)/Mussel(s)
Naval/Navel None/Nun
Nay/Neigh Not/Knot
Need/Knead Nose/Knows
Night/Knight Nap/Knap
Oar/Or/Ore Our/Hour
Oh/Owe Overdo/Overdue
Pact/Packed Pier/Peer
Pail/Pale Picture/Pitcher
Pain/Pane Plain/Plane
Pair/Pare/Pear Pleas/Please
Passed/Past Pole/Poll
Paws/Pause Pour/Poor/Pore
Peal/Peel Prey(s)/Pray(s)/Praise
Pea(s)/Pee(s) Presents/Presence
Peace/Piece Pride/Pried
Peak/Peek Prints/Prince
Peat/Pete Profit/Prophet
Pedal/Peddle Pros/Prose
Pi/Pie Plate/Plait
Patients/Patience Prize/Pries
Quarts/Quartz Quart/Court
Racket/Racquet Ring/Wring
Rain/Rein/Reign Road/Rode/Rowed
Rap/Wrap Roam/Rome
Raise/Rays/Raze Roe/Row
Real/Reel Role/Roll
Red/Read Rote/Wrote
Reed/Read Rough/Ruff
Recede/Reseed Rung/Wrung
Rest/Wrest Rye/Wry
Review/Revue Rhyme/Rime
Sachet/Sashay Sick/Sic
Sale/Sale Sighs/Size
Sacks/Sax Sight/Site/Cite
Scene/Seen Sioux/Sue
Sea/See Slay/Sleigh
Seas/Sees/Seize Soar/Sore
Seam/Seem So/Sow/Sew
Seen/Scene Sole/Soul
Sear/Seer Some/Sum
Sell/Cell Stare/Stair
Sellers/Cellars Steal/Steel
Sent/Scent(s)/Cent(s) Steak/Stake
Serf/Surf Straight/Strait
Serial/Cereal Sun/Son
Shoe/Shoo Sweet/Suite
Shoot/Chute Seed/Cede
Tail/Tale Tic/Tick
Tea/Tee Time/Thyme
Tease/Tees Timber/Timbre
Team/Teem Toad/Towed
Tents/Tense Toe(s)/Tow(s)
Tern/Turn Toile/Tool
There/Their/They're Two/To/Too
Threw/Through Tide/Tied
Throne/Thrown Taught/Taut
Vain/Vane/Vein Vice/Vise
Vary/Very Vile/Vial
Waist/Waste Whoa/Woe
Wait(s)/Weight(s Whole/Hole
War/Wore Wine(s)/Whine(s)
Wave(d)/Waive(d) Wise/Whys/Wyes
Waver/Waiver Won/One
Walk/Wok Wood/Would
Weak/Week Wrap/Rap
Wear/Where/Ware Wrest/Rest
Weather/Whether Wring/Ring
We’d/Weed Write/Right/Rite
Weigh(s)/Way(s) Wrote/Rote
Weighed/Wade Wrung/Rung
Whale(s)/Wail(s) Wry/Rye
Which/Witch Wet/Whet
Yolk/Yoke Your/You’re
You/Yew/Ewe You’ll/Yule
How many homonyms do your know? If you have any homonyms not on this list (nothing vulgar please), feel free to share them in the COMMENTS section following this post. In the meantime, I will continue to add new homonyms as I come across them.